Mar 26, 2014

Radiology Referral Marketing in the Age of Reform

Given today’s changing healthcare environment, imaging centers must be more aggressive than ever in maintaining their current referral base, while at the same time growing the current referral base.  In other words, effective customer relationship management (CRM) never has been more important.

Many may know that they have a powerful marketing tool at hand in the vast quantities of data available to them in their HIS, RIS, or billing systems.  But having the data is only half the equation. The trick is to take that data, manipulate it and employ metrics to interpret what’s really there.  Using data and analytics as business intelligence, imaging centers can target marketing priorities with laser precision and act intelligently on referral trends.

CRM systems designed specifically for radiology can enable centers do even more, automating processes for real-time data collection and optimal decision making, supporting compliance and measuring performance for both individual marketers and overall marketing efforts.

Challenges inherent in ongoing hospital acquisitions, reduced reimbursements, health information exchanges and other trends driven by legislation are not going to end anytime soon.

That’s why imaging centers must act now to address them. 

They must take command of their marketing initiatives with CRM tools that provide detailed oversight of their referral sources and interactions with referring physicians, as well as insight into marketers’ activities and performance.  This way, they can secure the business knowledge they need to analyze and adjust referral marketing strategies and maximize marketing budgets.